The scientists who created Mewtwo did not realize the full potential of his power, and Mewtwo pretty much destroys them and the lab they kept him imprisoned in. To sum up the story, Mewtwo is a Pokemon whose Psychic powers are genetically engineered to be stronger than other Pokemon's abilities.

Sure, the graphics may not be quite as sharp as the newer ones, but the storyline more than makes up for this. Having seen this movie myself when I was a kid, and seeing the newer Pokemon movies, I can honestly say that this one is the best I have seen. I bought this movie mostly for the nostalgia of my younger days, back when Pokemon first came out. Great Movie to watch with kids, or even by yourself. For story quality and general enjoyment, however, this is a 5-star movie. I would have liked to see deleted scenes, cast commentary, music videos, or something more than just the movie and the short feature. I gave this DVD 4 stars rather than a perfect 5-star rating simply because there was no new content on the DVDs. The production values are excellent, the soundtrack is bubbly and enjoyable, and the story will keep them glued to their seats. I had the opportunity to show this film to a new generation at my church's Movie Night they were enthralled (and surprised to discover that their new youth pastor was an expert in Pokemon!) I recommend this movie as a good way for kids to learn the backstory behind the daily Pokemon cartoons. This is the classic Pokemon cast: Ash, Brock, Misty, Jessie and James, Pikachu, Meowth, and a slew of identical twin police officers and nurses. I especially enjoy the dialogue-less short cartoons featuring the Pokemon "in the wild" which are included with every Pokemon movie feature. I found myself loving this movie, and almost all of the subsequent ones.

He'd just talked me into being a Pokemon League referee, so I was eager to learn more about the characters. I remember taking my 7-year-old nephew (he's in college now!) to see this movie on opening day at the multiplex.