You need to pay for calling directly to their mobile numbers but it has made long distance calling a lot cheaper. Easily add your Skype friends, chat with them and call them up for free. Nothing beats the ease of making video calls when it comes to Skype. Don’t worry if what is on your screen is not identical to the images we have below, as Skype on different phones and laptops will not always have the same layout. Skype on iPhone includes tons of features, but unfortunately it lacks Push Notification feature which is introduced with iPhone 3.0. This is by far the best app for making video calls. We have included images in this step-by-step guide to help you know what you need to click and do.
This page will guide you through, with simple to follow instuctions, on how to download and use Skype on whichever device you want to make video calls on. In fact, you can even use Skype directly on to your relative’s TV thanks to a clever device called a CallGenie. One of the best things about Skype is that it is is completely free – all you need is a phone, tablet, laptop or computer! Most phones, tablets and laptops have built-in microphones and cameras, so you probably don’t need to think about buying a webcam unless you are using a computer. It is a great way of having a chat and seeing your loved ones’ faces while you are unable to visit them. There are plenty of other VoIP services that you can use on your device to make cheap and free calls. Skype is famous because it is a Voice over IP (VoIP) service. If you have come that far, you can enjoy the use of Skype and its many features. Skype is an application that lets you make video calls with your friends and family. Calling your Skype does not require numbers, you just use their Skype names.